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Szacowany czas do końca: -
Jan Kochanowski, Laments, Lament I
Lament II → ← [Laments - Motto and dedication]

Spis treści

      Jan KochanowskiLamentsLament Itłum. Dorothea Prall

      Come, Heraclitus[1] and Simonides[2],
      Come with your weeping and sad elegies:
      Ye griefs and sorrows, come from all the lands
      Wherein ye sigh and wail and wring your hands:
      Gather ye here within my house today
      And help me mourn my sweet, whom in her May
      Ungodly Death hath ta'en to his estate,
      Leaving me on a sudden desolate.
      'Tis so a serpent glides on some shy nest
      And, of the tiny nightingales possessed,
      Doth glut its throat, though, frenzied with her fear,
      The mother bird doth beat and twitter near
      And strike the monster, till it turns and gapes
      To swallow her, and she but just escapes.
      «'Tis vain to weep,» my friends perchance will say.
      Dear God, is aught in life not vain, then? Nay,
      Seek to lie soft, yet thorns will prickly be:
      The life of man is naught but vanity.
      Ah, which were better, then — to seek relief
      In tears, or sternly strive to conquer grief?



      Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 535–475 BC) — pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, often called „weeping Heraclitus”. [przypis edytorski]


      Simonides of Ceos (c. 556–468 BC) — a Greek lyric poet, renowned for his epitaphs. [przypis edytorski]

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